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The Ving Tsun Story

Sil Lim Tao
Chum Kiu
Biu Chee

Chi Sau

Wooden Man
Luk Dim Poon Kwan
Pah Chum Do

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The Study of Ving Tsun using a Conceptual Framework.
First in a series entitled "The Study of Ving Tsun using a Conceptual Framework."
Run time 13:37
Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework used to train and study Ving Tsun kung fu.

Ving Tsun is a mindful method to not only provide a skill set for combat but qualities that will enhance other parts of your life. While talking is nice we must act on this course of action. In this way the theory can become fact. When studying Ving Tsun we train using a Conceptual Framework defined as "A network of interlinked concepts, that together, provide a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon (Ving Tsun Kung Fu)."

Wing Chun is a result oriented style of Chinese Martial Arts known for its economy of movement and efficiency. Wing Chun does not rely on magic to achieve its efficiency. All Ving Tsun techniques are based on certain fundamental principles, which take into account the limitation and capability of human movement, the relative position between the practitioner and the opponent, and the most economic movement to achieve the desired result under a specific situation.

Two theories guide the system. Fist is the straight-line theory: the shortest distance between two objects being a straight line. Using this theory, punches or kicks are delivered directly to the target via the shortest route, however to be effective they must arrive with power.

Secondly the centerline theory dictates that the centerline of the body is always protected. When an attack originates from the center-line, it occupies the center and therefore, also serves as protection during the attack. The centerline mentioned here starts at the solar plexus and extends outward on the sagittal plane, parallel to the floor, to the furthest reaches of your physical extremities (hands and legs). The centerline can also be located at the shoulder when not facing your opponent. There is only one centerline in Ving Tsun terminology. To ensure that the center line attack is effective, the center has to face the target in combat. A Wing Chun practitioner follows and faces his target as if he were the shadow of the target. Most other martial arts styles tell you to deliver a block with one hand and strike with the other hand. In Ving Tsun, great emphasis is placed on training both hands to respond in the same amount of time.

The belief that the Ving Tsun "Horse Stance" is more fragile than that of other systems is false. Strength is built up in the Ving Tsun stance through the practice of "Chi Sau". The moving actions in this training process are capable of building up a tremendous amount of strength in footwork. The hands of a Ving Tsun practitioner can move independently of body commitments and when square either leg is always ready for kicking.

The three forms of Ving Tsun (Sil Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Chee) create a trilogy which allows for the growth of a student based on the principles and theories that bind the system through the Conceptual Framework.

Proud Supporter of the International Wushu Federation, Wushu Canada, and a dedicated member of Wushu Ontario.